

 > Cognitive Ergonomics


diseño emocional Emotional design is the design that goes beyond functional. It generates positive emotional experiences, and a fundamental part of its study is the user-centered design. Through emotional design, we study several factors such as emotional, cognitive, physiological, and environmental, which greatly influence human – product interaction, analyzing their assessment of this. In order to do this, we have used the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Personalized Intelligent Systems (PIS) to measure physiological emotional states. Thus, we analyze the users or consumers behavior in their interaction with a product or service, helped by new technologies (RV, RA, PIS) and generating sensory and emotional experience.

From this moment on, we identify the emotional relationship between the products or services and the user; as a result, we have identified useful clues for the design and development of products or services that create emotional experiences. We have made the products or services not only useful and attractive, but also recreational, emotional and user-centered. We started from three lines of research:

    1) the role of senses in emotional induction,

    2) multi-sensory design applied to products or services,

    3) Kansei engineering in design and interaction with new technologies.

Out of these lines, the developments that come out are the design and validation of virtual environments for the generation of positive emotional experiences, and emotional and intelligent systems.

  © LABPSITEC - Universidad Jaume I. Edificio Investigación II.
Despacho NB2107DL - Av. Vicente Sos Baynat s/n - 12.071 Castellón de la Plana.
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