

 > Psychological Treatments


trastornos por estrés Our research team has already tested some protocols in a controlled study that addressed a number of stress-related disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), adjustment disorder (AD) and pathological grief. At the moment, we are carrying out another controlled study that is testing an adaptation of these protocols designed specifically for the case of AD and pathological grief.

Our treatment programs for stress-related disorders include elements of Foa and Rothbaum (1998) and Neimeyer (2000) treatments.

In the treatment of these disorders we are using the VR system called "EMMA's World”. EMMA allows creating relevant and meaningful environments for each person due to its flexibility and adaptability which is achieved by using different symbols and virtual landscapes. This enables us to create scenarios that represent the event that the person has lived or is living and allows us to process, accept and learn from what has already happened. In addition, the safety environment and timeless that EMMA offers is ideal to explore and learn how to deal with events and conflictive emotions. The protocol also goes a step beyond in order to improve the clinical condition present, trying to pursue the strengthening and the person’s increasing of the resources so that they are prepared to cope with any problem in their future life.

The protocol, which has already been tested, proved to be effective, producing improvements in the clinical situation of patients. These positive results are expected to be encountered at the end of the second controlled study, which is being carried out now.

  © LABPSITEC - Universidad Jaume I. Edificio Investigación II.
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