

 > Experimental Psychopatology


inducción de emociones telepsicología MayordomoThe aim of this study is to test the role of consecutive positive mood induction has on people’s satisfaction and well being. The specific goals are: (1) to compare the traditional induction of positive emotions with virtual procedures of positive mood induction; (2) to compare the different efficacy of two positive emotions (joy and relax), these two positive emotions have a different activation; (3) to study how mood inductions act over the “Rumination”; (4) to analyze any cross-cultural differences; (5) to compare the different induction procedures using new Technologies (ICT).

In order to achieve these goals, at the present moment our group is using a design of 4 (joy, relax, waiting list joy and waiting list relax) x 2 (virtual procedures of mood induction vs traditional procedures). Participants are volunteers that have subclinical symptoms of anxiety (STAI) and depression (BDI). The virtual procedures of mood induction use the “stereoscopy”.  In this procedure the participant can see a park. In this park, the participant can conduct different activities (e.g., watch a movie, walk in the park, order sentences Velten, etc.). The traditional procedure of induction consist of reading Velten sentences (joy condition) and slow breathing taped instructions (relax condition).

At the moment, we are studying the positive mood induction in elder people using Virtual Reality (without stereoscopy). Induction is part of a project that consists on a telepsychology program for elder people: the Butler Project.

  © LABPSITEC - Universidad Jaume I. Edificio Investigación II.
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