

 > Psychological Assessment


The field of the new technologies, as Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality, is a basic line for our team. In this sense, we have developed studies related to the sense of presence in a virtual environment, as the development and validation of an instrument to assess the sense of Presence and Reality Judgment.

instrumentos validados de presencia y juicio de realidad The sense of presence, the sense of "being there", is a psychological experience, determined by a complex variety of characteristics or components. In a simple way, it is usually defined as the subjective sense of being in a place. (Witmer and Singer, 1998). Judgment Reality refers how people make “Reality” attributions about surrounding events and situations. These two concepts are fundamental to know how RV influences us and how to design new applications in the field of Mental Health.

Regarding this aim, we have developed the Reality judgment and Presence Questionnaire (RJPQ) (Baños, Botella, García-Palacios, Villa, Perpiñá and Alcañiz, 2000; Baños, Quero, Salvador and Botella, 2005). It is a 33-item questionnaire developed to measure in a virtual environment, the different components of the Sense of Presence. It has seven factors: emotional implication, reality judgment and presence, interaction and external correspondence, influence of the clarity of the software, software ease, experience satisfaction, and emotion.

  © LABPSITEC - Universidad Jaume I. Edificio Investigación II.
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