

 > Cognitive Ergonomics


The User-Centered Design can be defined as a working philosophy. Each project requires the interaction of several professionals from different areas: Information Architecture, Usability, Interaction Design, Interface Design, Graphic Design, Acceptability, etc.

claustrofobia This kind of working has positively influenced the final results of each system. For the last 15 years we have been working together with Labhuman’s technical team in the development of technology that improves the quality of life of the human being.

Our working philosophy is aligned with the User-Centered Design. In each project we care for and study several aspects that make the end user, including context, interaction mode, their needs, goals, etc.

In short, we believe that technology “for humans" should always take them into account and they should always be the reference point for any discipline involved in the development.

To learn more about our solutions and projects, please, go to Research or Projects, or also to the examples shown at the multimedia area.
  © LABPSITEC - Universidad Jaume I. Edificio Investigación II.
Despacho NB2107DL - Av. Vicente Sos Baynat s/n - 12.071 Castellón de la Plana.
Telf. 964387647 - Fax.964729267