

 > Cognitive Ergonomics


usabilidad HCIUsability is not just the product. Each application can be used in a particular context and by specifics users. That is why every development is unique to each project and type of end users.

Each phase of development is important:

  • Definition of user needs and software objectives.
  • Definition of functional specifications and content requirements.
  • Information architecture and interaction design.
  • Design of navigation, information, and interfaces.
  • Visual design.
  • Usability Tests (from the first non-functional design to the users tests).

Labpsitec is a Psychology and Technology Laboratory, which optimizes the latest technological advances for each context of use and end user. The use of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, mobile devices, Web technology, stereoscopic, natural interaction interfaces (sign language, tactile, etc.) are some of the technologies that we have extensive experience in. We believe in creating new ways of interaction as transparent that allow the users to forget the mediation of machines in all our applications.

Some examples of our work include:

    Butler Project: A system based on web technology and Virtual Reality, for the elderly. The optimization of all functions allows the elderly people, who have never used computers, to be able to use autonomously different tools (email, video, blog, Virtual Reality, etc.) from the very first day.

    VISION Project: As usability consultants, our work has focused on optimizing user interaction in the use of gestural language and graphical user interface, in an autostereoscopy system for videoconferences.

  © LABPSITEC - Universidad Jaume I. Edificio Investigación II.
Despacho NB2107DL - Av. Vicente Sos Baynat s/n - 12.071 Castellón de la Plana.
Telf. 964387647 - Fax.964729267